Probe CX reduced AHT by 15% using Genesys predictive routing


Probe CX is constantly looking for ways to improve how clients do business through human-led technology.

Learn how by using Genesys AI-powered predictive routing Probe CX reduced AHT by 15%.

The quick and easy deployment functionalities of Genesys Cloud CX enabled Probe CX to have more flexibility in its carriers. Eliminating the six to eight-week technology procurement cycle has made it easier to scale IT capacities as required.

The results?

  • It takes less than 48 hours to deploy new clients
  • A 30% increase in agility
  • A 13% reduction in average handling times (AHT)
  • Response times are 16% faster
  • A 5% reduction in call transfers
  • Cost savings of around nine to 13 full-time employees in the tested centre.

“Great CX is driven out of great employee experience”
Rohan Khanna, Chief Technology Officer, Probe CX

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